Instructions: Use the arrow keys to navigate locations and complete your tasks. If you find yourself at a pop-up screen within the game, press Escape to close it and return to the overworld. For text-based prompts, hit Enter to submit your input.
You've completed all the cybersecurity puzzles that need to be solved in order to make breakfast.
Remaining tasks:
- Unlock the Computer 💻
- Make Toast 🍞
- Open the Fridge 🍳
- Make Coffee ☕
We took inspiration from Capture The Flag (CTF) competitions in designing the puzzles you just solved and tried to make them a bit beginner-friendly. CTF competitions are a great way to learn more about cybersecurity, though they definitely aren't the only way.
Or, if you're not into CTFs, some things you can do are generally learn more about operating systems (especially Linux), improve your programming skills, read CTF challenge write-ups, or watch talks from DEF CON (an annual security conference) to get inspired about interesting security topics.
Some additional links:
- is a great way to gain confidence navigating the Linux command-line and learning some common code exploits.
- is a fantastic starting point if you want to dive a bit deeper than our game goes.
- lists upcoming CTFs if you’re looking for more past picoCTF.